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Silav, @Mirzali: When the language in template:zıwan is set to "mul", it displays in English as "Translingual", for example here. Is that something you could fix? (Also the associated Kategori:Translingual, which I've added to the main page of Wikt.diq.)

As you can see, I also marked as lacking a Zazaki gloss, as I was unable to find the Zazaki word for 'comet'. If you know it, I would appreciate it if you could add it.

You might want to check, via the nav box at the bottom of the page, that I didn't make any other errors. If I did, and they're repetitive (e.g. the same error on each page), please let me know and I'll fix them myself so you don't need to waste your time.

Best, Kwamikagami (mesac) 06:57, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]

Temam! -- Mirzali (mesac) 11:14, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]
But for , isn't geyrenık "planet" in general, not specifically a comet? Kwamikagami (mesac) 11:18, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]
Thanks for your effort too. You're right, sorry is my fault. Comet is called dımestare in Zazaki. -- Mirzali (mesac) 11:34, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]
Ah, thank you. And nice that you got "translingual" as well. The best I could have done would've been "international". Kwamikagami (mesac) 11:37, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]
BTW, the names in italics are just the international forms, not confirmed from Zazaki sources (not even from Zazaki Wikipedia). Kwamikagami (mesac) 11:58, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]
I get it, I didn't pay attention at first. Thanks for the correction. -- Mirzali (mesac) 12:04, 19 Nisane 2022 (+03)[cewab bıde]